Fair chase trophy big game hunting in Alaska is full of surprise and adventure. Alaska has extreme weather, and the Kodiak region adds some extra unpredictability. Snow and extremely cold temperatures can descend in October …or wait until March. Spring can arrive on time and then do an about face and retreat to winter. In the field we may enjoy blue bird skies and then suddenly be swallowed in pea soup fog. A wistful breeze can pick up to a lively tempo and accelerate to a howling gale. Delays and days lost to weather are not uncommon.
All of our guides are experts in the art of hunting, and all of our hunting areas have proven success records. That being said there are also many unpredictable factors that effect animal behavior. It might be necessary to change locations, or travel farther than expected to find animals. While most hunters are successful, there are no guarantees. A.I.G.S. cannot promise you success, but we do guarantee to work very hard towards an enjoyable and successful hunt.
Good physical conditioning is exceedingly important, and will directly affect the quality and outcome of your Alaska hunting experience. Furthermore, it is essential that you bring all of the items on our gear list. Time and experience has taught us that the right equipment is imperative for your comfort. A comfortable hunter can stay in the field for the fully contracted hunt and increase his chances of taking home a truly trophy animal. While it’s nice to harvest an animal early in the hunt, keeping mentally tough and hunting through to the last days can make all the difference.
Please, leave anxiety and negativity behind you. Clear your mind and join us for some fresh air, beautiful surroundings, clean food and drink and some exhilarating action. We look forward to every hunt as a unique adventure. Please do everything in your power to help us all have a trip of a lifetime.
~ Tim Booch
Master Guide