GMU Unit 10 : Unimak Island
Unimak Island is the first island in the Aleutian Island chain. This pristine wilderness is home to caribou, wolves and brown bear and a large concentration of migratory birds & marine mammals. Because of it’s remote location, this windswept island offers some of the best brown bear hunting in Alaska, both in opportunity & size of trophy animals. Unimak is open every year for a fall and spring season hunt. A hunter must apply for their permit through a drawing conducted in December with results published in February.
DB376 : Spring Unimak bear hunts are conducted from camps close to the ocean beach where migrating whales often wash up dead on the beach attracting bears to the carcasses. Twenty hours of daylight in the spring enable hunters to extend their efforts.
Spring Brown Bear Hunt, 10 day May 10 – 20 and May 22 – 31
DB375 : Fall Unimak bear hunts center around a late salmon run where hunting efforts will be focused.
Fall Brown Bear Hunt, 10 day October 1 – October 10
Wolf inhabit the area and can be pursued during the fall and spring season if the opportunity presents itself before killing a bear during the contracted period for no additional fee. Black Brant and Canada Geese can be hunted, in the fall, from a lodge in Cold bay before or after a bear hunt on Unimak Island. Trophy silver or “Coho” Salmon sport fishing is available in Cold Bay from the same lodge where goose hunting is offered. All hunts on Unimak Island are conducted from fly-in tent camps as well as backpack spike camps.
You must have a signed and dated contract, prior to the online drawing permit application deadline (Dec. 15) before you are eligible to apply. The December application period is for the following Fall Permit and the Spring permit for the subsequent year after (Drawing cover 2 years).
Apply for the draw online via the ADFG Website before December 15.
GMU 8 Afognak Island & Rasberry Island
Spring Brown bear hunts are conducted from fly in tent camps situated in spruce forests adjacent to the ocean beach. Bears cruise the beaches looking for carrion and seaweed to eat.
DB161 and DB163 Fall Brown bear Hunt, 10 Day October 25 – Nov 30
DB191 and DB193 Spring Brown bear Hunt, 10 Day April 21 – 30th and May 6th – 15th
You are allowed one choice for a brown bear permit in each of the drawing application period. You must have a signed and dated contract before the Drawing Permit application deadline to be eligible in the drawing. Apply for the spring permit drawing online via the ADFG Website before December 15 or for a fall permit drawing apply online before May 31.
GMU Unit 9 : Alaska Peninsula
The Alaskan Peninsula is home to the largest concentration of Brown bears in the state. The terrain is marine influenced with open tundra. Streams with abundant salmon runs and tidal beaches are prime hunting areas. Hunts are conducted from tent camps. These camps are situated adjacent to the McNeil State Brown Bear Refuge & the Katmai Preserve. Hunting licenses and metal locking bear tags can be purchased online as well as the registration permit by accessing the State of Alaska website. No drawing permit is necessary. This area is open for Brown bear hunting one season a year with fall bear hunts falling on odd years and spring hunts open on even years.
10 Day Fall Brown bear Hunt October 1 – 10 and October 12th – 21
10 Day Spring Brown bear Hunt May 10 – 20 and May 22 – 21
Obtain the Registration Permit for Unit 9 via the ADFG Website Link